Preserve your Quality of Life as you Age

You’ve probably heard the expression that regular maintenance is the best type of prevention, and while it’s usually said in reference to things like cars or plumbing systems, it’s actually true for people as well. No matter what age you are, it’s never too late to start looking after your health, Our bodies change a lot as we get older, and prevention is always the best way to enhance and preserve your quality of life.
These are some of the most common health challenges that seniors face today, with steps you can take to help you take control of your health and feel ten times better!
Address Dental Issues
Oral health is a major concern for people of all ages, but as we get older, our teeth and gums require a bit of extra care. Aging causes our mouths to become dryer, more prone to cavities, and our bones often weaken, which opens the door for numerous oral health concerns like periodontitis, a potentially serious bacterial infection that affects the gums and bones.
If you don’t already, we recommend having regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months. Your dentist can check for early signs of gingivitis and other common oral health concerns for seniors. If there is a problem, you can catch it and treat it before it seriously impacts your health.Â
Take Extra Precautions During Cold & Flu Season
Many people think having the flu is no big deal, you simply stay in bed for a few days until it passes. But for older adults whose immune systems aren’t as strong, catching the flu can lead to more serious illnesses and infections like pneumonia. As we age, our body’s ability to fight off common things like the flu gets weaker – so seniors become particularly vulnerable to colds and the flu.Â
Keeping your immune system strong with regular exercise, vitamins, and healthy food is important for your quality of life, especially during cold and flu season. We also recommend getting an annual flu shot, and if you haven’t already, speak with your doctor about getting the pneumonia vaccine.
Avoid Unnecessary Weight GainÂ
It makes sense that most of us gain weight as we age. We aren’t as active as we once were, our mobility changes, and our metabolism tends to slow down. Getting older doesn’t mean that exercise is no longer an option, though. There are many different types of exercise you can enjoy depending on your mobility: swimming, walking, dancing, stretching, light strength training, and much more. Perhaps you can join your local gym, many of which offer senior discounts. Or if you already live in an active senior community, ask an activities director on site about what kind of classes they offer.Â
Manage Arthritis PainÂ
Arthritis is incredibly common among people 65 years old and up. Itcan make everyday activities painful and difficult, leading seniors to become sedentary to avoid uncomfortable flare-ups. But arthritis doesn’t have to get in the way of leading an active life! While there is no cure for the condition, you can work with your doctor to develop a personalized pain management plan that will allow you to stay active well into your retirement years.Â
If you have any questions about how to enhance your quality of life, or if you’d like more information about active senior living communities in NJ, please contact our team today: