4 Warning Signs that a Senior Needs Help

Serious Senior Woman With Adult Daughter At Home

When an elderly loved one needs help coping at home, the signs aren’t always easy to see. Often, family members and friends don’t notice a physical or mental health decline because it is gradual or perhaps they live further away and can’t check in often enough to evaluate the situation properly.

The key here is to remember to watch for small signs that can indicate a bigger problem, which will help you know when to step up and assist, and plan for the future. Here are some warning signs to look out for, from the team at our assisted living community in Camden County, NJ:

  1. Physical injuries. These may indicate they are having difficulty caring for themselves, becoming frail, and are struggling to manage daily tasks. Signs include cuts, bruising, limping, and burns. It is also important that these heal properly, as many elderly people need more intensive wound care.
  2. Changes in physical appearance. Changes of this nature, especially if your loved one always takes care of their personal appearance, can be a warning sign of health conditions, mobility problems or difficulty maintaining personal hygiene. They can include significant weight loss, neglecting hygiene, mismatched clothing, and difficulty getting around the house.
  3. Behavioral changes. Consistent out-of-character behavior should be taken very seriously as it may indicate more serious health issues. Keep an eye out for paranoia, speaking difficulty, mood and personality changes, depression, anxiety, confusion, unfounded accusations against others, decrease in social activity, and memory loss.
  4. Decline in home maintenance. Although clutter and maintenance issues pile up on us all, observe your loved one’s home as this may indicate that they are having trouble keeping up with its demands. Watch for piles of unopened mail and unpaid bills, piles of dirty laundry and dishes, old food in the refrigerator, lack of yard and home maintenance, and excessive clutter in the home.

Independent Living for Seniors from Our Welcoming Assisted Living Community in NJ 

Collingswood is part of the United Methodist Communities network of high-quality, non-profit, assisted living communities specializing in senior living. With an experienced care and assistance team, scalable services customized to each resident’s needs, and a lively social calendar, we focus on essential resources that promote independence and quality of life.

To find out more about United Methodist Communities or our assisted living community in Camden County, NJ, please visit our website at http://collingswood.umcommunities.org/ or contact us and book your visit today.

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    205 Jumping Brook Road
    Neptune, NJ 07753
    Phone: 732-922-9800