5 Reasons to Become a Blood Donor!
June 14th is World Blood Donor Day, so the team at our assisted living community in Camden County NJ is sharing this important information to help raise awareness:
- It saves lives. Above all else, blood donations save lives. On average, a blood donation is needed every three seconds — unfortunately, only 4% of people who are capable and eligible to donate actually do so. One pint of blood can save about three lives, and it’s often used in trauma cases (car accidents, shootings, etc.), surgical complications, traumatic childbirths, and to help treat patients with conditions like sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and clotting disorders.
- It’s good for you. Regularly donating blood every eight weeks has health benefits for donors, too, improving cardiovascular health and reducing risks of cancer and hemochromatosis, as well as damage to the liver and pancreas. Within 24 hours, your blood plasma returns to your regular levels, and red blood cells are replaced in four to six weeks.
- Almost anyone can donate. While donors of all blood types are needed, donations are especially important if you are blood type O negative, A negative or B negative. You also need to be at least 16 or 17 years old (depending on the law in your state), weight 110 pounds or more, and generally be in good health. People with autoimmune disease, chronic heart or respiratory illness, HIV infection, a previous or current history of cancer, or a history of drug abuse will be excluded.
- It’s safe. Sterile, disposable equipment is used for each donation, so there’s no risk of contracting a bloodborne infection. Donations of whole blood are limited to one pint per person, which is well within healthy limits. Donors have a brief health check before donating to make sure that they are able to do so without compromising their health.
Before donating blood, you should make sure that you are well-hydrated, have had a good night’s rest, and have eaten a healthy meal rich in iron. On the day you donate, wear a loose-fitting top so that the nurse can roll up your sleeve easily and you’re good to go! - It’s easy and affordable. Blood donation is 100% free of charge and you don’t have to do much — just lie there and take it easy for around 45 minutes. If you’re feeling nervous or simply want to make it go more quickly, the best thing to do is bring a friend. You can celebrate after your donation by going out for lunch or coffee to treat yourselves for your good deed!
Looking for a High-quality Assisted Living Community in Camden County, NJ? Speak to Our Team
Collingswood is part of the United Methodist Communities network of high-quality, non-profit assisted living communities specializing in independent living for seniors. With an experienced care and assistance team, scalable services customized to each resident’s needs, and a lively social calendar, we focus our community to provide essential resources that promote independence and quality of life. To find out more about United Methodist Communities or our assisted living community in Camden County, NJ, please visit our website at http://collingswood.umcommunities.org/ or contact us and book your visit today.