Join Collingswood Manor during Collingswood Wellness Week for our special
Senior Wellness Day. Hear from industry experts on wellness best practices
for senior adults and participate in senior-friendly exercise activities. Learn
how you or your loved one can keep your mind and body strong as you age!
Our exciting presenter line-up includes Jim Maley, Collingswood Mayor, and Dr. Paul Bryman, Medical Director of Collingswood
Manor and Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology, New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging, Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine
WHEN: Thursday, April 10th
WHERE: 460 Haddon Ave,
Collingswood, NJ 08108
11:00 AM – Welcome
& Opening Remarks
Collingswood Mayor Jim Maley
11:20 AM – Brain Power: Keeping
Your Mind Sharp
Pam Garofolo, Director of UMC
Tapestries Memory Care Program
11:45 AM – Stronger for Longer:
The Key to Fall Prevention
& Mobility Rob Hoblitzell, Exercise Physiologist
12:15 PM – Lunch & Cooking
Demonstration: Eat Well, Live Well:
Cooking for Longevity
Registered Dietitian & Will Acery,
Executive Chef of Collingswood
1:30 PM – “Aging Successfully”
Dr. Paul Bryman, Medical Director
of Collingswood Manor, Professor
of Geriatrics and Gerontology,
New Jersey Institute for Successful
Aging, Rowan-Virtua School of
Osteopathic Medicine
2:10 PM – Stronger Together: The
Power of Social Connection
Tami Moreland, Executive Director
of Collingswood Manor