Category: News
Successful Healthcare Triumphs
United Methodist Communities at Bristol Glen Attains Deficiency-Free Federal Survey United Methodist Communities at Bristol Glen Administrator, Jeff Lisk proudly reports, “Achieving a deficiency-free federal survey affirms and motivates us to… Continue reading Successful Healthcare Triumphs
The Gold Standard Shines
United Methodist Communities at The Shores’ Staff Achieves a Deficiency-Free Nursing Survey While Thursday, October 6 started out like any other day at United Methodist Communities at The Shores in… Continue reading The Gold Standard Shines
Asian Fruit Tasting
In September, our residents, associates, and the general public were introduced to different fruits and vegetables that we see in the supermarket but may have never tried before. Chefs at… Continue reading Asian Fruit Tasting
Soldiers Without Guns: Women Defense Workers of WWII
In recognition of National Humanities Month, United Methodist Communities at Pitman will welcome living history interpreter, Stacy F. Roth of History on the Hoof (Burlington, NJ) who will present Soldiers… Continue reading Soldiers Without Guns: Women Defense Workers of WWII
UMC at Pitman CARES
On Tuesday, August 30, building services associates at United Methodist Communities at Pitman were awarded certificates of completion for the CARES training. For six months, associates participated in different training… Continue reading UMC at Pitman CARES