The Challenge and the Opportunity of Downsizing

moving on

Downsizing is a commonly cited concern of those contemplating assisted living. While shedding clutter can be a liberating experience for many, it also opens an exciting chapter of life. Here are some of the challenges as well as the great opportunities downsizing brings from our assisted living team in Gloucester County, NJ.

The Challenge – Realizing the Necessity to Downsize 

Downsizing may seem like common sense to family and friends, but it’s just not that easy to contemplate when you’re the one who has to do it. Your belongings and home equal your comfort zone — they are familiar, comfortable, and filled with memories. That makes it difficult to give them up until it’s absolutely necessary. However, that time has probably already arrived!

As difficult as it may be, look objectively at downsizing and the space to which you are downsizing. If you don’t know your options and what benefits a retirement community offers, then it’s difficult to envision a happy future in a new home.

Start by taking the pressure off and considering your options. For instance, visit friends who moved into assisted living communities and spend time asking them all about their new lives. Visit local assisted living communities to look at living arrangements and chat with the staff. There truly is so much variety out there.

Phone loved ones who made the decision to downsize and hear what they say now that they’ve settled in. You’ll be surprised by how many people say it’s the best thing they ever did!

The Benefits of Downsizing 

Consider the benefits of moving to assisted living and see how many would apply to you or your senior loved one: 

  1. Mortgage and Maintenance No More – Homes become increasingly costly to manage on a set income, especially as the home becomes older. Even without a mortgage, there’s maintenance to consider — the roof may need replacing, the heating bill increases due to an aging heating system, the lawn and garden need to be maintained, the carpets need replacing, and so much more. When you rent, you eliminate all those problems. The assisted living community takes care of it all, from cleaning and maintenance to upgrades and all the rest of it. This often means significant budgetary relief for seniors.
  2. Release Retirement Income – Retirement is not as affordable as it used to be and expenses are on the rise. For many older adults, a lot of their net worth resides in the home they own. Accessing that capital can mean expensive mortgage refinancing. By transitioning into an assisted living community, this capital can pay for medical bills, visiting family, vacations, and other purposes.
  3. Becoming Part of a Community – Older adults can become isolated and depressed when they are no longer able to participate in their community as they once did. Friends move away, transport becomes a challenge, and family is not always close by. Great assisted living communities focus on the social side of things, with full event calendars, social clubs and activities, as well as regular transport for residents.
  4. Safety and Wellness – Homes often become hazardous as they simply aren’t designed with seniors’ needs in mind. Stairs, poor lighting, ill-equipped bathrooms, and clutter leads to thousands of dangerous and life-threatening falls each year. Upgrading a house for seniors can be a very expensive process. Many families, justifiably, worry that their loved one will fall or become ill and be unable to get help. Assisted living arrangements are spacious, modern, and equipped with the additional extras anyone will need. Onsite associates assist with daily tasks. If needed, residents can access rehabilitation, nursing, and other services.

Find Out How Wonderful Assisted Living Can Be! 

Pitman is an assisted living community in Gloucester County, NJ, offering high-quality scalable assisted living services in a comfortable, well-supported, and beautiful environment. As part of the United Methodist Communities network, we also offer rehabilitation, access to therapists, hospice care, and respite care services. We welcome seniors from all faith backgrounds, have a vibrant events calendar, and offer delicious on-site dining services.

To find out more about our assisted living community, please visit our website at, contact us today or book a personal tour.

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    205 Jumping Brook Road
    Neptune, NJ 07753
    Phone: 732-922-9800