Kathryn Speer Commissioned as Housing Administrator at United Methodist Communities at Wesley by the Bay

A Service of Commissioning and Blessing for Kathryn Speer, housing administrator at United Methodist Communities (UMC) at Wesley by the Bay, occurred on December 12, 2019 at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Ocean City, NJ. Wesley by the Bay, a townhouse-style senior housing community, is located a few blocks away at 2401 Bay Avenue.
In adherence to Wesleyan tradition and as a faith-based organization, UMC commissions its leaders and charges them with the authority to serve in ways that move the mission forward and uphold its values of compassion, respect, stewardship, and service. UMC’s mission is compassionately serving in community so that all are free to choose abundant life.
Rev. Marcia Stanford, director of mission and pastoral care at UMC at The Shores, welcomed guests at the start of the service. During the invocation, Rev. Kimberly Wecht, director of mission and pastoral care at UMC at Pitman, gave thanks for Ms. Speer’s compassionate leadership.
Wesley by the Bay resident, Susan Elgena, presented four Bible verses focusing on justice, mercy, humility, hope, and abundance. After signing a commissioning pledge, Ms. Speer received several gifts symbolizing leadership. Cindy Jacques, vice president of housing and community initiatives, presented a token of appreciation to Ms. Speer.
UMC President and CEO, Larry Carlson, urged guests to “Just say yes to your calling. God calls people to meet the needs of the world, shaping us for various endeavors, compelling us to foster justice and to build up others.”
He reaffirmed associates’ commitment to support Ms. Speer in her role as housing administrator and her heart for service. The service also symbolizes the support of every associate, manager, and corporate officer of UMC to uphold her both in her career and personally. It reaffirms God’s call to finding joy in service.

Ms. Speer acknowledged guests and expressed her gratitude for the privilege of leading Wesley by the Bay residents. Following the benediction, the group exited the sanctuary and continued the celebration with a luncheon in the church dining hall.