Associate Close-Up: Michele Musto

We recently sat down with the Volunteer Services Coordinator at The Shores to learn more about her life and the passion she has for senior care and services. These are her words:
Q: What is your name and position?
A: My name is Michele Musto and I’m the Volunteer Services Coordinator at The Shores.
Q: What do you like best about working for United Methodist Communities?
A: What I like best is the genuine kindness that staff and residents show to each other!
Q: What makes United Methodist Communities unique?
A: I think The Shores feels like home to mostly all of the residents. The community has a unique feeling of relaxation, fun, safety and fellowship.
Q: What does “Abundant Life” mean to you?
A: To me Abundant Life means living authentically! Being involved in things that bring you happiness!
Q: What have you learned from working at UMC?
A: I’ve been at The Shores for a little over a month, and in that time I have learned that staff and residents are always here to help each other.
Q: What has been your proudest moment at UMC?
A: My proudest moment at The Shores was completing my first newsletter, The CHAT, with the assistance of some super helpful staff members.
Q: What has been your career progression at UMC?
A: No career progression yet … newly hired as the Volunteer Services Coordinator.
Q: Why did you choose senior care and services?
A: I choose to work with seniors because I’m a strong advocate for quality care, respect and meaningful quality of life.
Q: Is there an older adult who had a strong influence on your life?
A: My grandmother had a very strong influence in my life. We spent lots of time together and she was an extremely energetic and outgoing lady! Plus, she was a great cook!
Q: Do you have a prominent memory of your grandmother and/or grandfather?
A: Some of my best vacation memories are with my grandparents – we enjoyed times in Sea Isle City, New Jersey and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Q: Do the residents inspire you? Does one resident stand out?
A: The residents inspire me with their stories. I love to listen about their careers, where they have traveled and wisdom they’ve acquired.
Q: Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived?
A: I grew up in Collingwood, migrated to Cherry Hill, and landed in beautiful Brigantine Beach where I’ve lived for 17 years.
Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
A: I’m a beach bum who enjoys reading, yoga, spending time with family and friends and being a foodie!
Q: What is your favorite family tradition?
A: My favorite family tradition is Thanksgiving dinner when the family is all together – it’s my number one holiday.
Q: What are you most grateful for in your life?
A: I’m most grateful for my optimism, good health, my children, family and friends!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
A: Totally enjoying my experience at The Shores and the blessings I feel each day working with an amazing staff and friendly residents.
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