Associate Close-Up: Kaitlin Eamigh


We recently sat down with the Administrator at Bristol Glen to learn more about her and her passion for senior care and services. These are her words:

Q: What is your name and position?

A: Kaitlin Eamigh, Administrator at Bristol Glen.


Q: What do you like best about working for United Methodist Communities?

A: I love the people I work with, the associates, management and residents alike.


Q: What makes United Methodist Communities unique?

A: Bristol Glen has a very positive atmosphere. You walk down the hallway and people smile and say hello, genuinely happy to see one another. It’s a great culture.


Q: What does “Abundant Life” mean to you?

A: To me, Abundant Life is having balance among everything and everyone I love. Being able to balance a career I am passionate about, valuable family time and doing hobbies I enjoy is very important to me.


Q: What have you learned from working at UMC?

A: I have learned that you never stop learning. Whether that means furthering your education in your 30s, being acquainted with a computer in your 60s or learning how to paint in your 90s, the desire to learn stays strong.


Q: What has been your proudest moment at UMC?

A: We have a volunteer whose role is to transport residents from Tapestries Memory Support to their hair salon appointments. On her walk back from one of the appointments, the resident, who has Alzheimer’s disease and uses a wheelchair, recognized an Assisted Living resident whom she used to dine with daily.

The volunteer knew the value of that moment and the importance of social fulfillment. She found a spot in the lobby for the two residents to sit and catch up, rather than rush back to where they had to be. It is a proud moment when you see an associate or volunteer going above and beyond their assignment to meet the residents’ needs.


Q: What has been your career progression at UMC?

A: I served at the Volunteer Service Coordinator for nearly three years and during my last eighteen months in that position, enrolled in an Administrator in Training program. I am now the New Jersey Licensed Nursing Home Administrator (LNHA) for Bristol Glen’s Healthcare Center.


Q: Why did you choose senior care and services?

A: I want have a career that impacts people and makes a difference in their lives. I feel fulfilled by the work I do at Bristol Glen, and I can see the impact every associate in this building has on residents.


Q: Is there an older adult who had a strong influence on your life?

A: My grandmother had Alzheimer’s disease and had been in a few different nursing homes toward the later years of her life. Seeing the impact of that disease on her, my grandfather and my family, along with the experiences we had at the nursing homes, sparked a passion and desire in me to make a difference by impacting the lives of older adults.


Q: Do you have a prominent memory of your grandmother and/or grandfather?

A: I remember my grandfather taking me to the bank when I was 17 to invest my babysitting money into a Certificate of Deposit. He is passionate about personal finances and career building, and loves to give advice to his grandchildren. I still seek his input when making big decisions!


Q: Do the residents inspire you? Does one resident stand out?

A: I am very lucky in my position at UMC to see what outstanding residents we have. Residents at Bristol Glen volunteer to serve on various committees, run the Main Street Gift Shop and the library, serve at and wheel residents to chapel services, work in the gardens, and provide companionship to fellow residents. I am inspired every day by the work our residents do for one another and for the entire community!


Q: Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived?

A: I grew up in Fredon and now reside in Stillwater. Being a lifelong resident of Sussex County, I have had the privilege of growing up appreciating nature, community, family and the simple joys of life.


Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

A: I teach yoga and love attending different yoga classes. I also enjoy kayaking, gardening, traveling and spending time with family and friends.


Q: What is your favorite family tradition?

A: My favorite family tradition is decorating my parents’ Christmas tree. I have two sisters and as our family grows and we share holiday time with our spouses’ families, decorating the tree at “home” has become our own holiday.


Q: What are you most grateful for in your life?

A: I am most grateful for my husband, my sisters and my parents. Each of them has encouraged me, challenged me and inspired me to be a good person and work hard to build a life I am proud of.

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    Neptune, NJ 07753
    Phone: 732-922-9800