3 Signs You’re Ready for Independent Senior Living

Independence is a top priority for many seniors. This is especially true when it comes to deciding where to reside. Even though some may argue that moving into a senior living community means relinquishing independence, we’re here to tell you why the opposite is true! The beauty of a modern senior living community is letting go of chores and other responsibilities and making more time for the active, independent retirement lifestyle you deserve. If you’ve been bouncing the idea of senior living back and forth, here are the top 3 signs that you are ready for the move.
#1. The idea of giving up cooking excites you. Have you ever realized that a meal is so much more enjoyable when it’s cooked by someone else? There’s a reason for that. When someone else cooks, the stress of going to the store, finding the right ingredients, and following the specifics of a recipe is alleviated off your plate (literally and figuratively). And let’s not stop there, you know what would make every meal even better? Having someone else do the dishes after! You’ve paid your dues and probably washed enough dishes to feed an army – it’s time to give it up and make more time for yourself. At a senior living community like UMC at Collingswood, associates on-site can cook, create meal plans, and clean up after meals on a daily basis. UMC at Collingswood also offers community dining in an elegant and spacious dining room where other residents and your family and friends can accompany you for a meal. The on-site executive chef is culinary trained and ready to accept requests or adhere to any dietary restrictions residents may need.
#2. Home maintenance is becoming too much. Now, this may be a tough one to come to terms with, especially if this is the home you’ve raised a family in and loved for many years. With your kids all grown up and moving on with their own families, you now have less help with maintaining your sizable home. Homeownership is a lot of work to do on your own. There are recurring tasks like dusting, wiping down kitchen counters, cutting the lawn, keeping the bathrooms clean, and doing loads of laundry – just to name a few. And then there are always unexpected issues that pop up from time to time like shoveling snow, unclogging a toilet, and repairing HVAC units or leaky pipes. Not to mention, all those monthly bills for utilities, electricity, cable, and more. The complexity of home maintenance is just another reason why living independently in a senior community has become so appealing. You can say goodbye to chores and having to keep track of the multiple utility bills coming in. All senior living apartments at Collingswood are maintained and cleaned daily, and if an unexpected problem arises – you can make a quick call to one of our associates who will handle it ASAP. With home maintenance removed from your roster, you now have the time – more importantly, the energy – to take part in the activities you truly enjoy doing.
#3. You’re looking for more opportunities to learn, enjoy activities, and connect with others. This is hands down the most important sign we’ve been leading up to. Many seniors are under the impression that living in a community is equivalent to a loss of independence, but this couldn’t be more untrue. Relinquishing control of home maintenance issues, cooking, and cleaning frees up your time significantly so you actually have more independence to do what you actually want to do. Have you ever wanted to take painting lessons? Zumba classes? Or for the more ambitious, learn a new language? With all the mundane daily tasks taken care of by our reliable associates, you can now do all of the above! Not to mention, you’ll make some new friends along the way who enjoy the same interests – what could be better than that?
Independent senior lifestyles in Camden County NJ
At our senior living community in Camden County, seniors are free to choose the independent lifestyle that makes the most sense for their interests and mobility level. We have many activities and events scheduled every month that all residents are welcome to join. Some of our crowd favorites include group meditation, dance classes, movie nights, and much more. Not to mention, our professional associates are available 24/7 to assist if necessary and ensure the safety of all activities performed on-site.
To find out more about independent lifestyles for seniors in Collingswood, NJ, please contact us today or visit our website at: https://umcommunities.org/collingswood/