Latest Past Events

Mother’s Day Grab & Go

United Methodist Communities at Bristol Glen 200 Bristol Glen Drive, Newton

Join us for our friendly Drive thru to get information about Bristol Glen, meet some of our team members and get a complimentary plant for stopping by. Limited supplies, RSVP to reserve Cathy Foley at All COVID-19 precautions will be in place.

Garden School

Sussex Wantage Ecumenical Choir 200 Bristol Glen Drive, Newton

Come on over for an informative talk with Duffield’s Farm Market’s very own Ruthann. She will be at UMC Pitman to teach us how they “produce” it down on the farm. From seed to container from field to shelf, we will learn the steps and then create our own container garden to take home. The… Continue reading Garden School

Earth Day Celebration

What is Sitting Disease?

Celebrate Earth Day on the Bay! Vendors, Music and Flower Giveaway! The vendors are listed on the flyer below. They will be bringing a gift related to Earth Day. We may have a few extra vendors along with the Kona Ice Truck! COVID-19 restrictions and protocols will be in place. This is a great event… Continue reading Earth Day Celebration


205 Jumping Brook Road
Neptune, NJ 07753
Phone: 732-922-9800