New Jersey Elder Care Options
If you have found this page, then it is likely you’re trying to figure out some kind of a care strategy for either yourself, or an elderly loved one. The choices can seem overwhelming and depending on your needs, incredibly expensive.
Here’s a few of the elder care options people typically consider:
- Stay in your current home, have a relative take care of you.
- Stay in your current home, get some part time help a few hours a week.
- Stay in your current home, get someone who is there for most of the day, every day.
- Stay in your current home, hire a live-in 24/7 caregiver.
But when things progress to a certain point and staying at home negatively impacts quality of life and safety and security, there are other options.
- Move to an Independent Living Community, for security, socialization and minor services.
- Move to an Assisted Living Community for security socialization, and more significant access to services.
- Move to a Nursing Home for 24/7 advanced medical care and supervision.
Determining the best elder care option for yourself or your aging loved one largely depends on medical and emotional needs, lifestyle preferences, location preferences and available resources to cover cost of care.If you are considering elder care options in New Jersey or if you are considering becoming a primary caregiver, take some time to consider the best option for both yourself and your loved one.
Guidance for Options in Elder Care
Even if your elderly loved one insists on remaining at home, doing so may not be in their best interests. A parent or elderly loved one in failing or deteriorating health is not the only one in jeopardy; family members managing care may also be under a lot of stress and typically find out they’ve bitten off more than they can chew when it comes to taking care of a relative while trying to have and maintain their own life.
With help from the United Methodist Communities foundation, the United Methodist Communities throughout New Jersey provide the kind of compassionate care, safety and security you may be looking for. Your support for our work allows United Methodist Communities to protect the security of all our residents no matter how long they stay with us or what their resources are. Further it allows us to provide the highest quality care at the most cost effective prices for our residents.
Independent Living Options at a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)
Many active seniors actually prefer this kind of Condo style living, even if they have no compelling medical needs at all! A NJ state licensed CCRC provides seniors the opportunity to move into a Campus-like setting, where there is the perfect balance of private living, and socialization opportunities. Furthermore CCRC’s provide extremely beneficial financial arrangements which can allow up to 85% of the unused cost of purchase to be refunded to your estate.
United Methodist Communities offers NJ certified CCRC Independent Living at Bristol Glen in Newton New Jersey. Our Bristol Glen community gives residents access to a wide range of care options to be used on an as need basis. One of the great benefits here is that should needs increase, a resident can move to the assisted living facility on the same campus without a loss of lifestyle or relationship continuity.
Assisted Living Care Options
Assisted-living residences at United Methodist Communities have apartments that residents can make their own, along with a common dining room where meals are served, a nurse’s office where prescription drugs are professionally dispensed and activity rooms for socializing. The great advantage of United Methodist Communities assisted living is that you can ramp up the level of care as the resident needs it, adding services like help with dressing and bathing, or medication reminders. At our assisted living facilities, you only pay for the care that you receive. This philosophy can save families literally tens of thousands of dollars every year.
Nursing Home and Long Term Care Options
For those requiring advanced medical care for the short or long term, full service nursing care is provided at all UMC full service communities. It is important to note that at United Methodist Communities we consider that quality of life is still important to our most frail residents, and individual attention must extend beyond the medical meet the dictates of our deeper philosophy, that of “Abundant Life”.
The Cost Of Care
As a non-profit Methodist organization, United Methodist Communities seeks to be revenue neutral between costs charged to our residents, and the cost of actually providing 1st class care across all our communities. While the cost of living in our communities is at or below the cost of living in similar communities in each geography, the cost of providing care and fulfilling our lifetime commitments to residents no longer able to pay, escalates every year. In fact this shortfall reaches into the millions of dollars every year, and if not for the United Methodist Communities foundation and its charitable support, United Methodist Communities would have a staggering deficit that no amount of goodwill could bridge.
As such, your support and involvement is important to us. In giving, you create a legacy that belongs to the thousands of United Methodist Communities residents who get to live an Abundant Life, thanks to your kindness and contributions.
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