4 Reasons to Join a Senior Book Club

Dr. Seuss once said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” And we agree! Reading is a way of experiencing the world; it’s a great opportunity to learn about new cultures, new countries and even new planets. Reading also supports mental and emotional growth, memory recognition, imagination, and the ability to make new friends.
Joining a book club is one of the best activities to do in the winter, especially with the icy weather keeping you indoors. With that said, here are the top reasons to join a book club that also shed a light on the importance of reading.
- It’s great exercise for the memory – It’s so unbelievably important to exercise our brains and support memory functions as we age. Reading is one effective way to do this. It also helps fight Alzheimer’s and dementia conditions, not to mention help us remember where we put things (hint – it’s never in the first 10 places you looked). A really great book has the power to activate and exercise short-term memory, the neural network, and your receptiveness to learning.
- It relieves stress – Stress is one of the biggest issues facing modern society, and it can take a hefty toll on seniors. Feeling stressed and anxious releases cortisol, a hormone that activates our fight-or-flight reflexes. Even low levels of cortisol can increase sugar levels in the bloodstream, cause sleep problems, induce weight gain, trigger headaches and depression, and wreak havoc on digestive systems. So, it really does pay to unwind and escape with a good book often.
- It’s social – Although it’s the holiday season, it can feel like a lonely time of year for many seniors. Winter makes travel more difficult due to the weather and COVID-19 restrictions. For seniors whose families are far away, this time traditionally spent together can make the distance even harder to deal with, which makes room for depression to creep in. A stimulating social activity, like a book club, can help prevent this by bringing people together. Whether virtually or socially distant, book clubs can give seniors a consistent opportunity to talk, laugh, connect with one another, and spend quality time together.
- It opens your world – Seniors have a tendency to feel like their world is getting a little smaller as they grow older. Especially since travel can be expensive, a challenge or simply not possible any longer. For these reasons, seniors tend to stay close to their community of friends and family. Further, current COVID-19 restrictions add another barrier. But books have the ability to take you anywhere – to Italy in the spring, to a rugged camping adventure across the Appalachian trail, to a period in the past, and even to new worlds that only exist in someone else’s imagination.
Let the senior book club at UMC take you places
Our community book club is one of the most popular activities for seniors in Cape May County, NJ, and it’s easy to see why. The book club is designed to match the vibrant energy of our residents, with fantastic picks, socially distant gatherings and discussions on all genres of novels.
The senior book club at UMC at The Shores is just one, out of a range of regularly scheduled activities for our residents. Other activities include Zoom fitness classes, community talks and prayer services which help our residents interact with one another. If you are looking to join a book club or move into a senior community that is all about abundant living, contact UMC at The Shores today at: https://umcommunities.org/theshores/contact/