Grow Your Nest Egg

Nest Egg

The sky is the limit when it comes to possibilities for your future. Whatever your family, financial or estate planning goals, our experts from the Foundation can help. There are numerous ways you can make a gift to United Methodist Communities Foundation and receive valuable benefits including regular payments and tax savings.

What are your goals for the present and future? Some may be big, while others are small. You may be looking for: security for you and your family; growth and preservation of wealth and assets; or the ability to leave a legacy for the future.

It is possible to achieve all of these goals with some planning.

  1. Create Security For You And Your Loved Ones
    Did you know there is a way to make a gift while creating security for you and your loved ones? It’s called a charitable gift annuity. It’s as simple as transferring your low-performing investments such as CDs and stocks to United Methodist Communities Foundation in exchange for fixed lifetime payments. You might be surprised at how much higher your income could be and your payment rate will never change.
  2. Reduce Taxes While Helping Us and Your Heirs
    A bequest of your IRA is one of the easiest ways to help us while also reducing taxes for your estate and your heirs. By designating us as the beneficiary, your estate can enjoy valuable tax savings. The full value of your gift will go to help further our work. Rather than facing a high tax burden, your heirs may benefit from estate gifts of low taxed assets such as your home or stock.
  3. Grow Your Nest Egg Now and In The Future
    Did you know that there is a way to make a gift to us and receive income that could grow over your lifetime? A charitable remainder unitrust is an arrangement funded with your cash or appreciated assets. The most common unitrust will pay you income each year based on a percentage of the trust assets. Your income has the potential to increase over time with growth in the trust. This means more income for you and more remaining assets to help us in the future.

Compassionately Serving in Community So That All Are Free to Choose Abundant Life

The United Methodist Communities Foundation, established in 1985, supports the missional focus of the communities and acts as an independent entity, enhancing the mission, philosophy, and ministry of the organization.

To find out more about the Foundation, please contact us today.

Come and Visit Us

There is no better way to experience our communities than a personal tour. See for yourself what compassionate care and abundant living looks like. Fill out this form and we will contact you by email or phone.


    205 Jumping Brook Road
    Neptune, NJ 07753
    Phone: 732-922-9800