Short-Term Rehabilitation in Gloucester County NJ

- Respiratory Therapy (RT) for those recovering from a heart attack or diagnosed with a type of COPD.
- Speech Therapy (ST) for those who have partial or full speech paralysis due to a stroke or another condition.
- Occupational Therapy (OT) for those experiencing cognitive or physical changes common in seniors or those who require extra support after an injury to regain former abilities.
- Physical Therapy (PT) for those recovering from a major surgery or injury, such as an accidental fall.
To talk to a care coordinator about short-term rehabilitation at Pitman, please call or schedule a visit today.

Common Reasons for In-Patient Short-Term Rehab
- It’s easier for families because transportation isn’t needed, rehab is conducted right in our fully equipped community
- Surgical recovery that requires medical supervision and occupational therapy before returning home
- Experienced a bad fall and now has mobility issues
- Recovering from a stroke or heart attack
- Diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid disease or another condition affecting dietary and medical needs
- Partial or full speech paralysis due to Bell’s Palsy, stroke or other conditions
- Diagnosed with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema which causes difficulty breathing
Why Should I Do My Rehab at UMC at Pitman?
Seniors who choose UMC at Pitman receive more comprehensive care and supervision and stay more positive and engaged in their recovery process. Our recovery process begins with a warm welcome and a thorough evaluation the day your senior family member arrives. You will stay in a beautiful room in the heart of our rehab household. You will have the opportunity for safe social interaction and your wellness is the focus of all of our nurses, aides, and therapists.
Our professional care team believes in establishing connections to ensure each resident’s comfort level. From there, our specialists develop individualized recovery programs, which include establishing the types of therapy, medical treatments, dietary requirements necessary. Our associates even take into account the social amenities each resident can take part in.
To learn more about our complete rehabilitative services, please call a Pitman care coordinator to schedule a visit today.
a visit!