United Methodist Communities at Pitman Named on U.S. News Best Nursing Homes

Ratings assure public of quality, staffing and compliance
How do you select the best long-term care providers for chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s disease, frailty, or others?
U.S. News and World Report rated over 15,000 nursing homes nationally to help people find appropriate, reliable providers with the highest standards of care. They named United Methodist Communities at Pitman in Pitman, NJ, on their Best Nursing Homes 2020 – 2021 list.
U.S. News rated UMC at Pitman as high performing for Long-Term Care. Rankings define each eligible nursing home as high performing, average, or below average. This year, U.S. News added a patient safety summary that reflects COVID-19 data to their nursing home profile pages.
Out of 13,433 nursing homes that received a Long-Term Care Rating, 1,139 were designated as High-Performing. Some of the measures included in Pitman’s rating include nurse staffing, pneumonia vaccination rates, registered nurse staffing ratios, prevention of pressure ulcers, ability of residents to self-care, emergency-room visits, hospitalizations, rate of substantiated complaints, and more.
UMC at Pitman Administrator, Sharon Schwarzkopf, remarks, “The combination of innovative approaches, onsite expertise, technology, and human touch, help maximize our seniors’ wellness potential. This recognition affirms that approach.”