5 Sleeping Tips for Older Adults from UMC at Pitman

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential at any age. Strong focus, better memory recollection and a healthier immune system are just a few benefits that result from great sleep patterns. Top experts recommend getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every single night. This especially reigns true for older adults who are light sleepers or whose sleep patterns may have altered over the years. It can be difficult to maintain good sleeping patterns as we age, but it is never impossible. 

Here are 5 highly recommended sleeping tips that can make sleep easier and longer for older adults:

Tip #1 Stick to a scheduled bedtime  

Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. If you stick to a routine consistently, your body will adjust and become tired at an appropriate time. You could also train yourself to use your bedroom strictly for sleeping. If you are not asleep 20 minutes after your head hits the pillow, get up and leave the bedroom until you are tired enough to “hit the hay.”

Tip #2 Combat external stresses before bed 

Stress is a major underlying cause of sleep disruption, so it’s important to combat any anxieties you may have before getting a good night’s sleep. Listening to calming music, playing your favorite puzzle app on your smartphone, reading a book, or talking to a loved one can ease you into adequate relaxation before bed.  May adults fall asleep in front of the TV but this can actually be a bad sleep habit as you have to wake yourself up to physically go to bed. Instead, grab your favorite book and read yourself to sleep while you’re in bed already!

Tip #3 Work out regularly

Wear yourself out! Not getting enough exercise during the day can cause restless and inefficient sleep. You don’t have to stick to a strict workout regimen either. Taking a walk outside, trying out chair yoga or engaging in light morning stretches can significantly contribute to better sleeping patterns. It’s also important to avoid daytime naps to ensure you’re more tired once bedtime rolls around. 

Tip #4 Drink less fluids at night

Trips to the bathroom become more frequent when consuming beverages right before bed,  especially  alcoholic beverages. Initially, alcohol may help get you to sleep, but once the hazy effect wears off, you will wake up in the middle of the night more alert. The solution: stop all beverage consumption at least one hour before bedtime.   

Tip #5 Avoid certain foods before bed 

Similar to limiting beverages before bed, we should also limit the portions and intake of certain foods. Avoiding large portions, spices, and caffeinated foods and beverages will not only improve your overall diet, but also decrease irritable conditions like indigestion and acid reflux, that could keep you up at night. 

Want to Sleep Soundly? Come to UMC at Pitman!

As the infamous Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “A well-spent day brings happy sleep.” At UMC at Pitman, we reflect this mantra by ensuring each resident’s day is filled with activities that nourish their mind, body, and spirit. 

For more information about abundant senior living at UMC at Pitman in Gloucester County, or any of our other senior communities across New Jersey, please contact United Methodist Communities and book your visit today.


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