How We Overcame The Challenges of 2020

After the year we’ve had, it’s safe to say we all deserve an extra special celebration this New Year’s Eve! However, the one good thing we can say about this year is that the challenges have taught us so much. Some of us learned a new trade skill, while others discovered a whole new perspective on life.
Most of all, this year taught us how to bring our community and residents closer together, therefore showing us that we do have the power to bring about positive change. Here’s how we’ve grown, become stronger, and faced new challenges this year at our independent living community in Sussex County, New Jersey.
Togetherness and community through technology
The teams and residents at UMC at Bristol Glen took to technology like ducks to water, and found new ways to keep seniors connected with family and friends throughout the pandemic. We understand how important social activities are to the mental and physical health of older adults, as well as their quality of life. And with the help of technology like Skype, Zoom, and Teams, we were able to keep our residents engaged with one another and connected to their families outside the community.
Technology also played a great role in keeping our residents entertained and up-to-date with the outside world during quarantine. Museums, galleries, tourist sites and theaters opened their virtual doors during the pandemic, allowing viewers to travel the world, tour natural and man-made wonders, and see magnificent productions from the safety and comfort of their homes via smartphones, computers, and tablets. In this way, our community not only stayed in touch with the outside world, but also grew and explored new sights – thus creating treasured memories during this challenging time.
Exceptional frontline workers in an exceptional community
Safety during the coronavirus became top priority at our independent living community due to the risks the virus poses for adults over 60 years old (especially those with preexisting medical conditions). With that said, one of our proudest recollections of 2020 is our industry-leading standard for infection control, cleanliness and hygiene developed to not only combat COVID-19, but also other infectious outbreaks. UNITEDforSAFETY is our continued commitment to keep the health, well-being, and safety of our residents, associates, and volunteers at the forefront of the UMC experience.
We are also very appreciative of the way our associates, residents, their families and the greater community pulled together under these stressful conditions to prioritize the safety of seniors. First, the understanding given by families who adapted to our protocols and visitation policies to prevent transmission, which helped keep COVID-19 cases to a minimum. Followed by the exceptional efforts from our frontline workers to care for and protect seniors in quarantine. We truly have seen, and continue to see the power of the Bristol Glen community coming together.
True courage seen in the residents of Bristol Glen
Although we won’t be sad to say goodbye to 2020, our residents should be proud of the way they have risen to the many challenges brought on by this year. They showed true strength and dedication amid the challenges of COVID-19 and social isolation. Our residents inspire us to keep providing an abundant lifestyle for all seniors.
We wish all our Bristol Glen residents, families and the surrounding community a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Are you looking for a senior community for your parents or loved one? Bristol Glen is a full-service community that provides individualized care for all residents, while also encouraging the most abundant senior lifestyle. If you want to find out more about our independent living community in Sussex County, New Jersey, please contact us today at: