Rowan University Staff and Students Treat Pitman Manor


Recently a baker’s dozen of graduate students and professional staff from the Rowan University Recreation Center in Glassboro made the holidays cheerier for Pitman Manor residents by hosting some very lively BINGO games.

The volunteers, who dressed in festive holiday attire, brought their own supplies, sound system, prizes, and music and played for well over an hour.
In addition to the traditional games of X’s, L’s, T’s and fill the board, the volunteers played a musical variation where participants had to listen to snippets of popular or traditional Christmas songs, identify them and mark the appropriate square on the card.

“We are grateful to the Rowan University volunteers for taking time out of their busy schedules to help spread some holiday cheer. Many of our residents enjoy the challenge, competitiveness and camaraderie of the game and welcome the opportunity to play it as often as they can. And of course….they loved the singing, prizes and the kindness the volunteers showed them as well,” said Sharon Yesner, Pitman Manor’s volunteer coordinator who worked with Tina Pinocci of Rowan University to organize this year’s event.

Pitman Manor residents Rosanne Liscovitz Pitman Manor BINGO 3 and Agnes Reilly added, “We really had a great time with the Rowan volunteers. In between the games, they engaged us in conversation, telling us about their education, training and job responsibilities. We also liked the fact that at the end of the games they entertained us with choral selections and a ukulele serenade. It was a wonderful way to spend the morning and we hope they might consider coming back soon.”


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