Pitman Manor 10th Annual Pet Parade


“Who let the dogs out?” That was definitely the question of the day as 19 dogs took part in this year’s 10th Annual Pitman Manor Halloween Pet Parade. Associates, community members and volunteers, along with some help from their faithful canine friends, helped make this Halloween tradition a howling good time!

“Pitman Manor is an animal-friendly community so it is not unusual to see pets stop by and visit
on a regular basis but it was especially enjoyable to see them dressed up in such creative costumes. This year we had dogs dressed as firemen, a dancing hippo, a plethora of superheroes and the Pope– just to name a few. I think the dogs really liked showing off in the auditorium and were so very well behaved,” said Pam Mezis, Director of Marketing. Mezis added that prizes were awarded in the following four categories: prettiest, most original, Pitman Manor Pet Parade Joan funniest and cutest. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the residents’ faces. Many of them are animal lovers and seeing the pets brought back a lot of good memories for them. They look forward to having the dogs visit and are really interested in learning more about the dogs and their owners. I am also grateful to the associates, community members and volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to make this event so successful, but as usual the stars of the show were the dogs.”

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