How In-Home Care Works During COVID-19

Female doctor consoling senior woman wearing face mask during home visit

With the current health crisis still active, some people may be apprehensive about hiring a home health aide to come in and out of their senior parents’ house. While the vaccine rollout means that healthcare workers, seniors and those with high-risk health conditions will be prioritized, it will still be a considerable amount of time before COVID-19 risks are significantly reduced for everyone, especially seniors.

With that said, it’s important to choose an in-home care provider from a reputable senior community that enforces strong COVID-19 protocols. Here are some insights from the team at United Methodist Communities HomeWorks about the safety of in-home care.

Going virtual for key in-home care services

Face-to-face interaction is the cornerstone of in-home care services, but it’s equally important that seniors are encouraged to self-isolate. Especially when they have come in contact with people who have considerable interaction with the outside world and potential to transmit infection. To help ensure that quality of care remains high without compromising safety or increasing COVID risks, the 60-day nursing visits that are usually done in person are now completed online using virtual technology. This ensures that clients get access to the one-on-one nursing expertise they require without the risk of person-to-person contact.

Regular, thorough screening

All home health aides are screened thoroughly each day for exposure risks,  including  temperature, symptoms, and exposure risks. Protocols are also in place to help staff  lower their risks both on and off-duty, as well as in the event that a positive case occurs either among staff, their contacts or their client.

High-quality PPE and training

All home health aides are wearing high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE) while working with seniors. All caregivers are fully-trained in infection control protocols and hygiene. They are also equipped with hand sanitizer, hand towels, soap and gloves at all times to prevent the spread of germs.

Modified, COVID-safe care for ill patients

Life goes on even in the age of COVID-19, with seniors requiring unrelated hospitalizations, surgeries and treatment for other illnesses. As in-home care specialists, we understand how essential it is that seniors who are ill, have experienced a fall or are undergoing rehabilitation, still receive the same high quality care, even apart from COVID-19. At the same time, we have modified our protocols to ensure that this care can take place safely with home quarantine and specialized COVID-recovery care.

New client criteria

New evaluation criteria has been introduced to all of our home health aides. This is to help make sure our teams have all the information needed to be fully aware of each new client’s vulnerability to the virus, virus exposure, and care/assistance needs, so that a comprehensive care program can be created.

Ongoing communication with loved ones and families

The pandemic has placed a lot of strain on the families and loved ones of seniors who need care, from concerns about their vulnerability to the virus to concerns about mental health and happiness during quarantine. We understand how challenging this time is both for our clients and their loved ones, and to help make this easier, we have implemented online meetings through Synzi, a tool that enables communication between caregivers and families, regardless of location.

Our home health aides in NJ will keep your loved one safe 

If you think your senior loved one’s care needs have changed and you are concerned about their wellbeing during the pandemic, then our home health aides are ready to provide your loved one with professional in-home care during COVID-19.

As a leading provider of senior care in New Jersey, we tailor our caregiving services to suit your loved one’s needs, whether they require respite care, nursing care, 24-hour care, assistance with their home and transport, or overnight care. We take COVID-19 very seriously, and have extensive protocols in place to ensure that seniors in our care get the services they rely on, while maximizing protection from the virus.

For more information on in-home care and the COVID-19 safety protocols we use to help keep your senior parents safe, healthy and at low risk for infection, contact us today or visit our website at:

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