5 Essential Go-Bag Items for In-Home Senior Caregivers

Being a caregiver for a senior loved one often means facing the same routine challenges each day, like preparing meals, getting to and from shops or appointments, dressing and bathing. But caregivers also must plan ahead and be ready to act quickly in the event of an emergency — that’s where your go-bag comes in. Here are some insights from our in home senior care team in NJ.
Pack your go-bag today
As a caregiver, you know that a lot of preparation, planning and teamwork is needed to care for your loved one. When an emergency happens, there’s not a lot of time to think — only time to act.
Having a go-bag ready in advance keeps you prepared and ensure you both have the essentials you need without causing additional anxiety or confusion for your loved one.
What should be in my senior go-bag?
While the final items are up to you, our team has the following suggestions:
- Patient fact sheet. A brief document for healthcare professionals so they have the basic information needed to manage your loved one’s treatment. Include information like his or her full legal name (to match insurance documents), current health conditions and medications, allergy information, contact information of his/her healthcare providers, special dietary considerations, any communication issues or behavioral issues, and religion. Be sure to also include your own contact details.
- Copies of important documents. Including Medicare, Medicaid and other insurance cards; healthcare proxy; Living Will; Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR); etc.
- Basic toiletries and supplies. Spare set of eyeglasses, denture storage and cleaning supplies, a change of clothing and/or pajamas, hand lotion, hair brush, facecloth, small bag for jewelry or valuables, reading material, and any comfort items.
- Snacks and water. A few of your loved one’s favorite snacks and some bottled water often come in handy and help keep blood sugar stable and prevent dehydration.
- Items for you. Keep a few crossword puzzles, a novel or a few magazines in your go-bag, as well as some healthy snacks and water, for the wait. It’s also a good idea to keep a spare phone charger in your bag so you can stay in contact easily.
In-home senior care from trained and experienced home health aides in NJ
At United Methodist Communities in New Jersey, we understand the challenges of providing expert medical care and companionship to seniors while encouraging a full and independent life, which is why we’ve developed our HomeWorks program.
Trained and highly experienced staff assist seniors and their families through this comprehensive senior in-home care program. Each care plan is designed around the client’s exact needs, filling in with necessary assistance while allowing your loved one to remain in the comfort of their home.
For more information on our seniors in-home care services, please contact us today or visit our website at https://umcommunities.org/homeworks/