Home Care for Seniors by United Methodist Communities HomeWorks
United Methodist Communities HomeWorks is committed to providing comprehensive and coordinated Home Care Services for Seniors that fosters independence and security at home.
When the burden or worry about someone living at home becomes unmanageable, we can help. United Methodist Communities HomeWorks is committed to providing comprehensive and coordinated home care services for NJ seniors that foster independence and security at home.
Why Consider Home Care Services Now?
- Has one of your parents suffered a fall in their house?
- Does mom’s house seem unkept when you visit?
- Has dad stopped cleaning up spoiled or half eaten food and dishes?
- Does your loved one spend all day sitting in an armchair staring at the TV?
- Are they unmotivated to get dressed or is their personal care deteriorating?
- Do one of your parents struggle with visual or hearing impairment?
- Is mom missing appointments? Are bills no longer getting paid regularly?
- Is your parent increasingly forgetful? Or worse, is she falling prey to solicitors?
- Are they struggling with mobility issues, trouble walking or rising from a chair?
- Have they lost the ability to cook or cook safely?
What Do Senior Home Care Services Through HomeWorks Include?
UMC HomeWorks provides complete non-medical care of older adults in their homes. Our services fall into three areas:
Conversation and Reading | Help with bathing, cooking, laundry, Grooming & Dressing | Interfaith Appropriate Emotional & Spiritual Support |
Shopping Trips & Transportation to Doctors | Immediate referrals to our registered Nurse team. | Referrals to celebrants of all faiths |
Escort to Social Events & United Methodist Communities organized events | Monitoring of medications and general well-being | Access to spiritual support groups & discussion |
Light Cooking and Cleaning | Exercise & Stretching Routines | Grief & Family Support |
Movies and Theater | Food Shopping & Eating Right! |
In-Home Senior Care in NJ
If you are a senior citizen that could use “a little help” from time to time, HOORAY for you! Recognizing that we all have limitations as we grow older is not something we should fear, but is rather a graceful acceptance of another stage of life with its associated joys and limitations. Your willingness to seek assistance and help does not threaten your independence, it enhances it.
There are a lot of good reasons to want assistance in your home for as long as you can:
- It is a familiar place with meaningful memories of family.
- You are familiar with the neighborhood and have friends there.
- You don’t need enough daily assistance to require full-time care.
- It’s less expensive to live in my home than in an assisted living facility, so I can pass more of my wealth to my children.
- You don’t have serious medical issues that need monitoring.
- You don’t want to be a burden to your children by relying on them for care.
While many of these are good reasons to stay in your home, there will certainly come a time where the help of children or neighbors won’t be enough. Many proud seniors don’t wish to be an undue burden to their children. They understand that they have busy lives of their own. In these cases, home care services are a great idea.
HomeWorks, through its in-home care, also can fill the gap in the continuum of care and can provide temporary support for residents transitioning home from hospital care, assisted living or nursing homes.
Getting started is simple!
United Methodist Communities HomeWorks is just a phone call away at 973-940-6300.
- We review your needs with you and any involved family members.
- We may discuss your care needs with your physician, social worker, hospital or nursing home discharge planner.
- An RN will visit your home and develop an individualized care plan. We then match your needs to the best possible caregivers.
For optimal outcomes, we closely monitor your care through telephone contact and home visits. We guide and supervise your caregivers on a continual basis. An RN is available and on-call to discuss your care, even after business hours.