Chronic Disease Management/Telehealth

Chronic Disease Management/Telehealth

Remote patient monitoring utilizes devices, software and telemedicine service centers to facilitate in-home patient monitoring.

Through patient-generated health data (health and symptom questionnaires)
we can identify when a patient needs a change in therapies or interventions
to stay on the right track.

Chronic diseases increase the incidence of falls in older adults. By managing
our patients’ chronic diseases more e ectively, HomeWorks will also be able
to impact the incidents of falls in the home.

Chronic Conditions and Falls

  • Chronic conditions increase the risk of falling.
  • 1 in 3 seniors fall each year.
  • Seniors with fi ve or more chronic conditions reported 40% more falls that
    required hospital transport.
Thinking About Assisted Living?
UMC can offer you an independent lifestyle while bringing you the security, assistance and companionship you deserve.
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Pitman and Collingswood Office


Serving Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties

Bristol Glen Office


Serving Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Sussex, and Warren Counties

The Shores Office


Serving Atlantic and Cape May Counties

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