Hope Amid COVID-19

Rainbow painting in window during Covid19 in UK.

Right now, the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is the main topic of conversation across New Jersey and across America. During this time, it is reasonable to feel overwhelmed and negative, focusing on worst-case scenarios.

Even though in this moment the pandemic is far from over, there are still positive outcomes around the world and progress being made against the virus, giving us hope that sooner, rather than later, it will be an unpleasant memory.

The Curve is flattening.

Social distancing, where practiced, is working. Although uncomfortable and inconvenient, it is saving lives. Current trends in New Jersey and New York, as well as globally, are moving in a positive direction.

  • China has recently announced a severe reduction in new cases.
  • Singapore acted fast and managed to contain the virus’s spread even without the extreme measures taken by most countries.
  • Hong Kong and Taiwan had a SARS epidemic in 2002, which prepared them to invest time and resources into dealing with future outbreaks. Their previous experience helped them tackle the virus confidently.
  • Currently Germany and Denmark are starting to reopen small shops and schools, while reports state that many countries have now passed their peaks of new cases.

A Vaccine is Underway. Several Actually.

Scientists around the world are working around the clock to find a coronavirus vaccine. To expedite the process, much of the red tape associated with normal vaccine approval cycles have been removed.

  • Clinical trials that test methods to boost our immune system against the coronavirus are happening in China.
  • Biotech company Moderna has started the first US clinical trials for a potential vaccine and seen positive results during their phase 1 trial.
  • A Pennsylvania biotech company is generating strands of DNA hoping it will stimulate an immune response.
  • Johnson & Johnson and French pharmaceutical giant, Sanofi together with the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, are working on a vaccine. Sanofi plans to mix coronavirus DNA with genetic material from a harmless virus, while Johnson & Johnson will attempt to deactivate SARS-CoV-2 and switch off its ability to cause illness.
  • Another potential coronavirus vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, entered the human trial stage. The United Kingdom government has pledged £20m to support the Oxford University trial and £22.5m to support another trial at Imperial College. According to Oxford, the best-case scenario is that by autumn 2020, researchers would have an efficacy result from the tests to show whether the vaccine protects against the virus or not.
  • Mercedes Formula 1 engineers have joined hands with the University College London to develop a breathing device that can be used on patients instead of having to place them in intensive care on a ventilator.

People are recovering.

Thanks to our front line workers and medical staff, more than half a million people are recovering from COVID -19.

  • Doctors in India have successfully treated infected patients with a mixture of drugs usually used to tackle HIV, swine flu, and malaria.
  • Doctors in China and Japan used blood plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19 to treat newly-infected patients and had significant results.
  • Catching the virus is not always fatal for the elderly. According to reports,106-year-old Connie Titchen recovered from the infection in the UK, as well as 102-year-old Italica Grondona in Italy. A 103-year-old Chinese woman also recovered.
  • Vint Cerf, who is 76, tweeted on April 3: “Good news – VA Public Health has certified my wife and me are no longer contagious with COVID19. Recovering!”

Assisted living communities are protecting residents

Despite the early difficulties of certain assisted living communities around the country, many have implemented actions to protect their residents. See this article, on the state of safety inside Assisted Living communities and why UMC has been so successful in keeping cases to a minimum among its residents and associates.

To find out more about our assisted living community, please visit our website at https://umcommunities.org/pitman/contact us today or book a personal tour.

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    Neptune, NJ 07753
    Phone: 732-922-9800